Gautam Buddha’s doctrine goes beyond Nirvana including 18 iron hands, that made him founder of martial arts through Boddhidharma — OSNepal

Gautam Buddha’s doctrine goes beyond Nirvana including 18 iron hands, that made him founder of martial arts through Boddhidharma

LC (KTM) May 26, 2021 0

On May 26, 563 B.C . Gautam Buddha ( Sidhartha Gautama) was born in Nepal. Some new statement Archaeologists in Nepal say they have found traces of a temple structure linked to Buddha’s nativity going back to the sixth century B.C. Archaeologists claim now they have an archaeological sequence at Lumbini that shows a building there as early as the sixth century B.C.

Above statements won’t change the birthplace it’s still Lumbini Nepal Modern technologies can pin down date but hard to turn over the birthdate over nite.

Most important parts , I see Buddha’s contributions to the world is living all human being in peace with harmony plus. We know very little about him. Except as a great prince left palace at the age of 28 yrs old and then enlighten giving entire world a peaceful path to Nirvana as ultimate goal.

I did research on Buddha during creation of New martial arts system Kungchido, where I did extensive research and found out Buddha was the actual guru of Bodhidharma of the martial arts although there were about 1000 yrs gap. Buddha put first 18 iron hands techniques latter it went to Bodhidharma in South Indian in 4th century. Boddhidharma travelled to China in 4th-5th century. Some believe he arrived in China during Liu Song Dynasty / Sone believe that he arrived in Chins during Liang dynasty.

Bottom lines was, he put the foundation of kungfu in Shaolin Temple China teaching first 18 iron hands techniques founded by Buddha. That become the first registered foundation of kungfu in Shaolin Temple of China.

Today I am proud to let World know that Buddha was actually the founder of martial arts. I founded kungchido martial arts system in 1998 proving Buddha as founder of martial arts with 6 years of intensive research finding footsteps of Gautam Buddha as stated above. Kungchido doctrine won several world class recognitions, awards and become new doctrine of martial arts as well as first book that published in 2004 clearly stating Buddha as actual founder of martial arts. Today Kungchido word one can find in many martial arts dictionaries.

– Saroj Joshi ( Founder & Author of kungchido)
-Editor KS

Note: This writeup dedicated to Buddha’s birthday of 2021

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